How much does it cost to re-clad my home?

In these cost estimates we discuss how to re-clad your home on a basic, mid-range and high-end budget. We also explain what’s involved in re-cladding a villa and what materials are available to choose from.
Find out why re-cladding work generally doesn’t come with a fixed-quote, whether you should invest in a professionally waterproofed construction system and what extra costs are likely to show up during the re-clad.
How much does it cost to re-clad your home on a basic budget in New Zealand?
Even on a basic budget it’s hard to tell how much money you’ll need to set aside, as your specialist won’t know what they are working with until your original cladding is stripped back. In this basic re-cladding cost estimate we investigate what surprises you might come up against.
How much does it cost to re-clad your home on a mid-range budget in New Zealand?
Our mid-range re-cladding cost estimate explores the costs involved in re-cladding, material options and what’s involved in replacing window joinery. This is also a great read if you are wondering whether or not to continue living in your home while the re-clad is being carried out.
How much does it cost to re-clad your home on a high-end budget in New Zealand?
Find out how much you are likely to spend re-cladding your home on a high-end budget using our high-end cost-estimate. Find out the various benefits of selecting weatherboard, metal or stone materials for your home and be in the know when it comes to unexpected costs.
How much does it cost to re-clad a villa in New Zealand?
This cost-estimate for re-cladding villas details what you can achieve when recladding your home within a $30,000 - $35,000 budget. By sharing cost effective methods, suggesting what to consider when your exterior boards are off and explaining how re-cladding can increase your home’s value, we provide a run-down on all of the essentials.
Find out how much it costs to re-clad your home in Australia here